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ID Card Generation

Generate Smart ID Card With QR Instantly For Students & Staffs

TC Generation

Generate TC With Student Photo & QR. TC Can Be Verified Online

Admit Card Generation

Generate Admit Card Instantly

Voucher Entry

Standardized forms and workflow across institutions

Fee Entry

Schools print applications and execute their traditional processes

Auto Substitute Allocation

Online access to each entity

MIS Reports

Real-time reports across all modules and programs

Free Lifetime Customization

Access from anywhere

Dedicated Support Team

No longer require printing & storing forms, cost & Man Power Saving

Free Training

No longer require deputing personnel to distribution & collection of forms

SAAS Module

Day to day summary of ongoing process

No Software Cost

Day to day summary of ongoing process

Relationship Manager

Day to day summary of ongoing process

Fee Defaulter Report

Day to day summary of ongoing process

Caste/Category Report

Day to day summary of ongoing process

Hall Ticket Generation

Day to day summary of ongoing process

Mark sheet / Certificate Generation

Day to day summary of ongoing process

Report Card Printing

Day to day summary of ongoing process

Smart card Integration

Day to day summary of ongoing process

Biometric Integration

Day to day summary of ongoing process

RF Id Integration

Day to day summary of ongoing process

Medical History

Day to day summary of ongoing process

Staff / Parent Login

Day to day summary of ongoing process

Graphical Analysis

Day to day summary of ongoing process

Remote Monitoring

Day to day summary of ongoing process

Gate Pass

Day to day summary of ongoing process


Day to day summary of ongoing process

GPS Vehicle Tracking

Day to day summary of ongoing process

Highly User Friendly

Day to day summary of ongoing process

Tool Tips

Day to day summary of ongoing process